

1SOP管理責任者Person responsible for SOP management
2安全確保業務責任者person responsible for safety assurance operation
3安全確保業務担当者person in charge of safety assurance operation
4医薬品製造管理者manufacturing supervisor of pharmaceuticals
5医薬品等安全管理責任者safety control manager of pharmaceuticals
6医薬品等総括製造販売責任者marketing director of pharmaceuticals
7医薬品等総括製造販売責任者marketing director of pharmaceuticals, quasi-pharmaceutical products or cosmetics
8医薬品等品質保証責任者quality assurance manager of pharmaceuticals
9医薬部外品等責任技術者technical supervisor of quasi-pharmaceutical products
10教育研修責任者Person responsible for education and training
11再生医療等製品品質保証責任者quality assurance manager of regenerative medicine products
12資料保存責任者person responsible for archiving
13自己点検責任者person responsible for self-inspection
15受託安全管理実施責任者entrusted safety control implementation supervisor
17受託者等trustees, etc.
18製造業者等manufacturers, etc.
19製造販売業者等marketing authorization holders
20受託部門長the head of trustee department
21営業部門担当者Key personnel from sales departments
23受託安全確保業務実施部門contract safety assurance operation Implementation Department
24プロジェクトチーム編成報告書project team organization report
25医薬品、医療機器等の品質、有効性及び安全性の確保等に関する法律Act on Securing Quality, Efficacy and Safety of Products Including Pharmaceuticals and Medical Devices
26医薬品、医療機器等の品質、有効性及び安全性の確保等に関する法律施行規則Regulation for Enforcement of the Act on Securing Quality, Efficacy and Safety of Products Including Pharmaceuticals and Medical Devices
27医薬品等適合性調査compliance investigation of pharmaceuticals, quasi-pharmaceutical products or cosmetics
28使用上の注意等precautions for use
30市販直後調査excluding the early post-marketing phase vigilance
31市販直後調査実施計画書EPPV plan
32製造販売後安全管理業務手順書等operating procedures, etc. for post-marketing safety control activities
33添付文書等package inserts
34添付文書等記載事項matters to be indicated on package inserts
35すり合わせ業務手順書integrated operating procedure
36措置実施結果報告書Implementation of Measure and Results Report
37業務マニュアルoperational manual
38秘密保持契約書confidentiality agreement
39業務委受託基本契約書basic contract for entrustment of business
40業務委受託個別契約書individual contract for entrustment of business
41医薬品医療機器等法Pharmaceutical and Medical Device Act
42委受託契約書Entrustment Agreement
43医薬品、医薬部外品、化粧品及び医療機器の製造販売後安全管理の基準に関する省令Ministerial Ordinance on Good Vigilance Practice for drugs, quasi-drugs, cosmetics, and medical devices
44医薬品の臨床試験の実施の基準に関する省令Ministerial Ordinance on Good Clinical Practice for Drugs
45資料保存室archiving room
46SOP検討委員会SOP review comittee
47安全管理情報safety management information
48委託安全確保業務entrusted safety assurance activities
49医薬品等pharmaceuticals, etc.
50医薬品等適合性調査compliance investigation of pharmaceuticals, quasi-pharmaceutical products or cosmetics
51医療用医薬品pharmaceuticals used with prescriptions or guidance
52教育研修education and training
53継続教育研修continuous education and training
54再委託安全確保業務further-entrusted safety assurance activities
55指定製剤designated preparations
57受託安全確保業務contract safety assurance operation
58成分同一物pharmaceuticals with same components
59製造販売後安全管理業務Entrusting Post-Marketing Safety Control
60追加的調査additional investigation
61電磁的方法electronic or magnetic means
62導入教育研修education and training for introduction
63被験薬test drug
64不具合等failures, etc.
65編入教育研修education and training for admission
66薬局医薬品等pharmacy-only pharmaceuticals, etc.
67受託業務Entrusted Business
68受託作業場所the office where the business is carried out